

Sunday, September 6, 2015

PBP lessons learned

Going into PBP I had only the simple plan of taking the full 90 hours and not stressing.

I wanted to learned some French and did not, I plan on learning more by next summer(as of now, I'm planning on doing the Raid Pyrenees). It would have been very useful, but mainly it would have been very nice to be able to converse with the locals and volunteers. They do so much for the ride, it's the least I could have done. Next time!

My goal was to make it to Brest in 36 hours or less. It took me 43. So I had to work hard for my 90 hours, which was fine. Going into 2019, I plan on being in better shape and faster. Although, I'll still take my time to enjoy the ride.

I think with around 8 hours of sleep I still rode somewhat quick, but a quicker ride to Brest would have meant maybe 10 hours of sleep! How nice that would have been!
On the subject of sleep, one major fail on my part was not bringing ear plugs. I slept at one control and it was a snore fest.

Eric Walstad let me use his hotel in Loudeac, which was a big help. A shower and bed to sleep in at 400k was a great help. I'll figure out a hotel there for next time(or start early and try to make it to Brest). I had a hotel in Brest and only used it for a shower and to eat while laying in bed. My getting there later than expected did not allow for a nap.

I had a 7:30pm start time and once I finished and even now weeks later, I'd go with an earlier start time. I feel like I would have gotten further that first day.

I had done my last SFR 200k with a cue sheet, but no cycling computer. For PBP I knew you didn't really need anything and it was great not having anything but my brevet card and the signs on the road to follow. My advice would be to leave the Garmin at home and enjoy the views! Easiest brevet(direction wise) to ride ever!

During the ride I rode at my own pace and with a few different people at different times. Maybe doing the whole ride with another or a small group would be nice? I actually want to ride it with my bud Preston on a tandem. We'll see.

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